Redefine "Sedition" in India...
Posted by Vinod Basi
I didn't write when Arundhati Roy was framed for sedition, But this time its different, Dr.Binayak Sen's arrest and sentencing has made me feel its high time we redefine the word, atleast in India.
Sedition as in dictionary, is a derogatory speech or remark made by an individual against the state or monarch.
In India, I think we will have to go a step further in charging the government for sedition. Over the years they have shunned all those voices which spoke for the masses. Now, Let me clarify, All those voices does not include the "Netas" who in the name of masses, amass...
Social Harmony... a few Guidelines...!!!!
Posted by Vinod Basi
Now, thats living in social harmony...
Uncle Sam is Coming Home...!!!!
Posted by Vinod Basi
India is gearing up hard for the most celebrated US presidential visit of the era. If Jimmy could create a new "Carterpuri", then Barack can create "Obamabad" provided if he has that uncanny ability to win hearts here...
Why I used the word Uncanny is to underline the fact that We Indians don't get overwhelmed easily as compared to our American counterparts, who were deceived by the Democrat manifesto.
India has never seen such elaborate sanitising, cordon off been done in the past, even after 26/11 there was not much security cover. The UPA is tying all means to impress Obama and show how Incredible we are...
Pr(O)bama effect is on high...!!!!
Love corruption... Because ???
Posted by Vinod Basi
A few days back, me and one of my friend were booked for an expired emission certificate(which we didn't notice) at a most happening corner street in Bangalore. The police constable who stopped us was not an 'environmentalist' but rather an incessant pocket filler...
He initially quoted a few rules which we didn't pay attention (rather we were busy counting money in our pockets) and finally charged us 300bucks. We were shocked, because the bike which he supposedly rode would not even pass a Fitness Certificate(FC) test... After begging and complaining on the current state of affairs(of course in Karnataka), he let us go with 50bucks fine to his pocket(a good bargain)...
I was profoundly happy with the way we bargained 250bucks less, but my friend was disgusted with the corruption we entertained. After a deep thought, I was actually happy to have been living in this country.
Now we can contemplate on the policemen and their corrupted pockets, but honestly if they weren't corrupted lot, we would have had high time paying fines and visiting courtroom.
Thanku Delhi...
Posted by Vinod Basi
In one of my previous post "Save India", I had expressed concerns over the games and India's future as a sporting giant. In fact, I even disagreed with the article posted by Mr. Chetan Bhagat on boycotting the games.
Well with all those hungama, I feel immensely great and contented with the way we pulled things off. The overwhelming medals tally has certainly made people think of sports & athletics as a full time profession. Cricketers were forgotten for a while.
With all said and done, I think everyone must thank the Delhites for their support and patience as they were put through all kinds of hardships from the netas and babus...
Pseudo secular verdict...
Posted by Vinod Basi
The much awaited... perhaps much hyped high profile law suits ever filed in our country was finally resolved. But the political pragmatism seem to overshadow the judgement.
Every citizen down there knows the pseudo secular form of our society and understands the thin line of communal harmony which runs frantically across...
"Save India"
Posted by Vinod Basi
Common Wealth Games (CWG) or should we call it 'Corruption Waiver Games (CWG)', for whining tax payers this is an appreciable excuse for the money paid...
In less than two years of governance the centre has failed miserably in fulfilling the national interest. The majority they enjoyed after the elections promised a ripe future ahead, but this seems to be a flagrant bunch of people leading the country who has left the future to rot...
This government has repeatedly shown ways to milk every last penny from lay man's pocket and reap riches in their backyard...
I can't find one good reason why judiciary even exists in this country. Is it only to punish those who can't fight it with money or muscle power.?? Or is it, just the failed perception of law in the eyes of a common man...??
The Ground Reality...
Posted by Vinod Basi
Guys i happened to receive this mail and the sender(anonymous) wished to see it posted on my blog... Felt its worth that you people get to know the ground reality of Indian media...
Don't know how far its true???
The New Recognition
Posted by Vinod Basi

After experts opinion, the cabinet approved his unique symbol among 3000 entries that poured in. The symbol includes both Devanagiri 'Ra' and Roman 'R' with two parallel lines running on the top depicting 'Equal To' sign. This uniqueness has put India in the elite list of nations with distinct currency symbol.
How on Earth can they ???
Posted by Vinod Basi
UPA-II started with a lot of promises, but seems to be withering fast. Their popularity among the masses is deteriorating rapidly, All Thanks To Poor Policy Making...
Cutting down on inflation was major agenda on the table.
Ram & Lakshman, Can it be re-created ???
Posted by Vinod Basi
In a country running on frail threads of communal harmony very recently saw an unusual congruence . . . ,
Shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham in Tamil Nadu joined hands with Ulemas & Imams of highest Islamic ranks for the society.