Redefine "Sedition" in India...

                                   I didn't write when Arundhati Roy was framed for sedition, But this time its different, Dr.Binayak Sen's arrest and sentencing has made me feel its high time we redefine the word, atleast in India.
Sedition as in dictionary, is a derogatory speech or remark made by an individual against the state or monarch.
In India, I think we will have to go a step further in charging the government for sedition. Over the years they have shunned all those voices which spoke for the masses.  Now, Let me clarify,  All those voices does not include the "Netas" who in the name of masses,  amass...

Social Harmony... a few Guidelines...!!!!

                            Most Bangalorean's day starts with the news of BSY and his tainted ministers in a scam & the evening ends with an even better note, the UPA embroiled in new scam... Between all these scams, is a scam at the work place which completes the day.
Now, thats living in social harmony...