Its been years since I last posted on my blog, that's precisely why I belong to those overwhelming amount of mundane bloggers occupying the internet space.

                                Now having been to places inside India and shifting bases continuously, and having lived in four different states, I have come to a conclusion that everything our school books taught about our country being united is an illusion. And thats why I've come back to blogging space to vent my anger. Because, All these were part of that biggest con, Unity in Diversity.

                                 A lot of you may disagree or may even think I'm paranoid. But this, truly is an empirical thought sprung after seeing and experiencing how people hate other community/languages/states and above all, faiths.
Whats more disturbing is that this hate exhibited is not superficial but deep-rooted.

India has long boasted about her ability to accept people from various backgrounds, colors, creed, faiths and what not. Perhaps this ability has died down or even perhaps this ability never existed in the first place. We are evidently very racist and very much narcissist about our creed, community, state and faith.

Consider our collective outlook on the people from the north-east, they've long been subjected to our racist remarks. They aren't part of us until we stake claim from the Chinese and PLA. Now, we are hypocrites as well.
For instance, I've been called "Madrasi" every other day. Mark me, this not from people who hasn't had any education but from people who are 'super-literates'. Geographical demarcations or demographics doesn't help you here. Trust me.

                                                    From what I experienced or understand, they hate South just because we don't speak their common language or eat their cuisines (how stupid). The worst part is, there are some who even think South Indians haven't taken part in the freedom struggle (from where the hell did this come from) and all the "FREEDOM" we enjoy must be owed to them.

For God sake, please enlighten me with your definition of "FREEDOM".
Freedom of what, Freedom from what. I don't see or sense any Freedom...

With all these,
what makes me wonder is, how are we tied together. What makes us refrain from disintegrating like the Soviets.
Well, the answer apparently is,

"People work together when it suits 'em. They're loyal when it suits 'em. Love each other when it suits 'em. And they kill each other when it suits 'em"
- Orell, Game of Thrones. 

Anything written here is truly personal. Never intending to demean any individual or community. I respect people for what they are and not for where they come from or what faith they follow.
You are "FREE" to carry your own views or opinions, because you're entitled to.